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Program Benefits

Our Better Workplace Tennessee Recognition program creates exponential organizational value. Through a trauma-informed lens, our evidence-based approach transforms all aspects of your workplace.  Our commitment extends to identifying, developing, and disseminating evidence-based workplace practices that enhance employee satisfaction, productivity, and overall well-being.


Benefits of this recognition include:

  • Improved employee wellness and mental health

  • Improved physical health resulting in fewer sick days needed and lower healthcare costs

  • A sense of safety and security at work

  • Greater employee satisfaction resulting in lower turnover rates

  • Improved collaboration and communication

  • Greater diversity, equity and inclusion

  • Successful systems for feedback and organizational improvement

  • Teams with increased activity, confidence and problem-solving skills

  • Feelings of mutual respect, which increases employee loyalty

  • Employees who value the opportunity to work with their organizations

Recognition Levels




Silver is when a business or organization applies for the TIW recognition - 6 to 12 months.





Gold comes once a business/organization has completed the Silver phase -12 months.





Organizations achieve platinum when they achieve all previous goals in their plan and are now in the evaluation and monitoring phase. This is a continuous phase measured in annual reports of evaluation.

Get Started.

Organizations and businesses can earn the Better Workplace recognition by completing the Silver, Gold or Platinum levels of recognition.


Contact us to explore your options today!

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